Tuesday, August 5, 2014

While Nobody was Paying Attention...

Last week, the Office of Planning, headed by an interim Director appointed by the lame duck Mayor immediately after his primary defeat, asked the Zoning Commission to raise matter-of-right heights by 20 feet in every apartment, commercial, and mixed-use zone throughout the District.  For most buildings, this change would allow an additional two stories of office, condo, or restaurant space (or any other use permissible within the zone).  In buildings that max out Height Act limits, federal law, these 20 feet penthouse structures would be limited to a single story.

It’s a move of jaw-dropping audacity, and a brilliant affirmation of Phil Blair’s claim that DC doesn’t really have an Office of Planning – we have an Office of Plotting. And, apparently, the Office of Plotting is located somewhere within the Ministry of Magic.  OP has fashioned a giant Cloak of Invisibility that will enable developers to add an additional 20 feet of height without exceeding existing zoning limits. We'll retain all our current zoning parameters -- we just won't count anything that happens on the top two floors toward those limits.  Those stories are above the "roof" so it's as if they don't really exist.  But such space would be essentially indistinguishable (in use and in level of finish) from anything that goes on below the "roof" -- except that it'll command higher prices.  Neat trick!

In Case #14-13, filed on July 24th and discussed at the Zoning Commission’s July 28th meeting, OP has proposed significant upzoning by making 20 foot habitable penthouses matter-of-right citywide.  Such penthouses would be allowed in all zones other than R-1 through R-4[1] and would not count toward either the height or FAR[2] limits that characterize the zone.  Area limits based on roof size would also be eliminated.  Front and, in some cases, side setbacks would be the only constraint on the amount of space that could be built in such penthouses.  Any use allowed as a matter of right within the zone would also be allowed on the roof.  

There’s no planning behind this proposal.  These amendments have been offered on the pretext that they are needed to make DC local zoning regulations consistent with federal law. This is ridiculous.

First, DC’s regulations are already consistent with federal law – federal law sets a maximum and as long as DC doesn’t authorize more than the feds allow, DC’s law is consistent with federal law.   The fact that OP’s proposal is least ambitious where the Height Act actually does apply makes it clear that this isn’t legislation that the Height Act somehow requires -- it's overreach.  Even prior to this year’s changes in the Height Act, DC had the power to raise heights in most zones by 20 feet (and to impose setbacks at that height).  But OP hasn’t made such a proposal because (a) there’s no compelling justification for such wholesale upzoning and (b) it would be wildly unpopular.  No Mayor with any desire for (or hope of) re-election would take such a risk; it would be political suicide.

Secondly, throughout the extended discussion over raising Height Act limits, OP repeatedly made the claim that this was an important “home rule” issue – we should get to decide what heights are appropriate where – it shouldn’t be left to the feds.  But the moment the feds allow greater heights, OP contends that it’s urgent that we raise ours to match.  What happened to making our own decisions?  And let’s not forget that a near-unanimous Council opposed altering the Height Act and that subsequent opinion polling indicated that their stance reflected that of DC residents and voters who overwhelmingly preferred retaining existing limits.

Finally, the fact that OP’s proposal is citywide, categorical, and matter-of-right (all zones everywhere, except low-density residential) demonstrates the absence of any real planning.   No attention has been paid to context, to demand, to infrastructural capacity.[3]   

There’s an unseemly haste about all of this.  OP asked for a setdown[4] hearing on these text amendments, without having even WRITTEN the actual text.  It then submitted its setdown report 4 days (rather than the required 10) before the (Monday) hearing.  That hearing was the Commission's penultimate session before its summer recess, with an already-lengthy agenda including the McMillan and Barry Farm PUDs (both complicated and highly-contested).  By the time the Commission got to the penthouse amendments, they’d been meeting for four hours and it was about 10:30 pm.

To the Commission’s credit, rather than grant setdown, they deferred decision until September 4th, at which point they expect to see actual text amendments rather a description of what such amendments might say.  Nothing the Commissioners said indicated that they realized how far-reaching OP’s proposal actually is. But, presumably, that was the point of such a premature submission – in the blur of everything else going on, and with OP talking about developers’ urgent need for certainty[5] about what the rules are, it seems as if the current Administration’s goal is to ramrod this through before anyone realizes what’s going on.

In general, what last month’s hearings have dramatized is that the Zoning Commission is overwhelmed and that it is being asked by the Office of Planning to make the kinds of decisions – major policy choices – that it was never intended (or structured) to make.   We’re talking about a five member unelected Board, whose appointees are not required to have any expertise in planning or zoning and the majority of whose members have what appear to be pretty demanding day jobs.  The Commission’s administrative office is very competent and professional, but they don’t have staff whose function is to analyze, summarize, and/or vet proposals.  So each Commissioner is on his or her own. 

But that's a topic for another day...

[1] Low density residential zones where only detached, semi-detached, and rowhouse construction is allowed.  In these zones, the current draft of the proposed new zoning code would allow 10 foot tall penthouses (with setbacks), limited to 1/3 of the area of the roof below.  

[2] FAR = floor area ratio which is the relationship between building size and lot size, both measured in square feet.  A building with a FAR of 5 has five times as much square footage as the lot it’s built on. 

[3]Joel Lawson’s presentation at the ZC hearing amended/supplemented the written report by stating that these changes weren’t intended to affect areas where there are pre-existing overlays that specifically limit penthouse dimensions.

[4] Set down is a decision by the Zoning Commission that a proposal is ready for consideration and public debate.  After the ZC agrees to set down a case, a public hearing is scheduled and advertised.

[5]For what it’s worth, there’s very little uncertainty right now – it’s clear that a building whose roofline reaches the Height Act limit may have an enclosed, single-story, inhabitable penthouse on top and that it must have a 1:1 setback.  What’s uncertain is whether the height of that penthouse can be 18.5 feet (DC regs incorporating old fed law) or 20 feet (amended fed law).  Everything else is about developers asking for more – not about not knowing what they’re entitled to.  Commissioner May pointed this out toward the end of the hearing.